The main emphasis of most business models focuses on the first ‘leg’ of the ‘Trio’ tripod: business practices - while completely ignoring the potential for creating true harmony through the inspired addition of the critical ‘second and third legs’. A sincere involvement in the well-being of a locale, as well as an honest exploration of the sense of place, history, and purpose latent within its identity provides the critical difference.
By honoring these powerful ingredients for success, The Harmony Project adds unforgettable value and expression through its strong focus on:.
‘A Sense of Place’ addresses cultural and geographical contexts, celebrating the inherent spirit of the environment, its wildlife, its employees, and their local community, thus creating an unparalleled opportunity for genuine personal experiences. The indelible memories that remain with a traveler will always come from such direct encounters.
‘A Sense of History’ honors the historical, social, and anthropological aspects of a locale, thereby supporting vibrant and engaging thematic platforms that add truly sustainable purpose to adventures and activities. Direct encounters and personal involvement create lasting connections for guests, staff, and stakeholders.
‘A Sense of Purpose’ engages the civil, self-improvement, and environmental interactions which play such an important role in giving the client a deeper sense of personal involvement, bringing novelty, authenticity, freedom, and vibrant social involvement into play.