Harvey West & Xiaobo Yao-West -
Co Founders, West East Bridge, China Resource for LifeThe China Antique Company, West Design Studio & China Fine Art.
Based on their work with the project "Son of Heaven: Imperial Arts of China" Harvey and Xiaobo discovered the distinctive regional characteristics of China's Imperial studios such as: Jingdezhen imperial porcelain, Suzhou court furniture, Nanjing imperial brocaded robes, Luoyang tri-colour ceramics for imperial tombs, Zhengzhou royal ritual bronzes and Huhehaote palace carpets. Using these historical models they re-created the past furniture-making workshops that were home to China's finest artists and craftsmen. Today it is mature, committed to the faithful preservation and museum quality restoration of China's historical furniture and architecture. The West Design Studio creates unique limited editions, designed by Harvey West and other leading Western designers, that are handmade by the studio artisans and China Fine Arts features leading contemporary painters and sculptors. It is currently active with commissions for residential and hotel suite interiors, furniture and decorative arts in North America, Hong Kong and China. This organization is set to become the principle intellectual and antiquity investor in the China location and is uniquely suited to research, design and appoint the facilities faithful to its concept with the requisite quality, authenticity and detail. Bradford Zak, Harvey and Xiaobo have known each other for 10 years.